
Dr. med. dent. Gundel Ollmann
Potsdamer Strasse 98 | 10785 Berlin, Germany
Phone +49 30 2 62 88 77

Responsible supervisory authorities

Landesamt für Gesundheit und Soziales Berlin
(Berlin State Office for Health and Social Affairs)
Turmstraße 21 | 10559 Berlin

Kassenzahnärztliche Vereinigung Berlin
Georg-Wilhelm-Straße 16 | 10711 Berlin

Professional title

Dentist | awarded in the Federal Republic of Germany

Responsible chamber

Zahnärztekammer Berlin
Stallstraße 1 | 10585 Berlin

Professional regulations

  • Gesetz über die Ausübung der Zahnheilkunde (ZHG)
  • Berliner Heilberufekammergesetz (BlnHKG)
  • Berufsordnung der Zahnärztekammer Berlin
  • Gebührenordnung für Zahnärzte (GOZ)
  • More information:

Liability notice

The contents of this website have been created with the utmost care. However, we accept no liability for content and technical errors. Furthermore, despite careful control, we assume no liability for any information that is accessible via links from our website. The operators of linked pages are solely responsible for their content. If you find incorrect or presumably inadmissible representations on this or one of the linked websites, please let us know.

Design & Programming

Webdesign Berlin : Sebastian Klammer Grafikdesign

Photo Credits

© Uwe Neumann | Marten Körner | Harald Fuhr